Diné Bá’ádeiti’į - For the People

Family organization working together to help our Navajo and Hopi communities. We hope to inspire others with the philosophy taught to us by our grandparents: T’áá hwó’ ají t’éego - it is up to you.


Ya’at’eeh shik’ei doo shi dine’e,

We are Kinyaa’aanii, born for Lok’aa dine’ei

Our cheii’s are Ashiihi and our nali’s are hashk’aahadzohi

We are from Shadow Mountain, AZ

For many years, our family discussed the possibility of forming our own non-profit organization.

We've had many discussions-- even more so in 2020. As we set abut fundraising for our efforts, we found that it would be more beneficial to be established as a 501(c)3 to expand our opportunities for more donations towards our efforts.

We had been functioning as a group under our family name. As our projects and outreach grew larger, we were asked how we identified ourselves as a group. Recently it dawned on us. We sketched out a logo and reached out to get the Diné spelling correct. Much credit goes to our mother as she told us to “ remember who you’re doing it for!”

We have carried out many projects as a family to help our community members as best as we could. As you browse our pages, we hope you feel inspired by our projects to continue to strengthen and help one another. Ahéhee'


Hours & Location



11 miles N. of Cameron
Tuba City, AZ 86045

Hours of Operation

Monday – Sunday
4am – 8pm


Sophina.Calderon@dinebaadeiti.org OR Ames.Meyers@dinebaadeiti.org